US Politics is a game that has been around for quite some time. Many of us grew up playing it, or at least pretending to play it. But even though our elected representatives and candidates may run for office using platforms created for decades in the past, the playing field hasn’t changed much since then. The same basic rules apply to all political games.
The main rule in US Politics is that members of Congress are each allowed to speak three times each day on three different issues. That means they can’t discuss only one issue, like they can on the campaign trail. It also means that they can’t take a single question or issue from the floor, which makes the session non-stop and uninterrupted. Unlike many other countries, US Politics isn’t a rule that can be changed or relaxed. It’s always “You don’t talk about politics” and they don’t take questions on specific policy issues.
This is what sets US Politics apart from other countries. In other nations leaders generally try to set the table by opening the floor for questions. This gives you an opportunity to ask a question and make your case. Leaders in other countries know they have to use inflammatory comments to stay in power, so that’s why they’re careful what they say in public.
But we aren’t in other countries. Here we have free elections where voters can choose leaders. US Politics is one of the most democratic societies in the world, because voters can remove elected officials who are unpopular or are just not doers. You don’t need to incite riots or start wars to get your way. You simply need to build enough political will to win the day.
Elected leaders in US Politics are subject to public scrutiny just as any other public official. All political leaders need to have a good public image to succeed. They need to be seen as caring, approachable people who everyone can trust. For that reason they spend lots of time on their public speeches and media speaking so they are seen as good communicators.
So I’d like to ask you; How do you see US Politics? Do you think our leaders are too perfect, or do you think they are too corrupt and out of touch with reality? If our politicians only knew how to speak and listen to the American people they wouldn’t be in office right? They just have to get more political experience or get another job right? Think on this.